Recently a new synthetic hemp compound called THC-O acetate has been gaining popularity. Since the inception of the 2018 Farm Bill, there have been numerous marijuana offshoots such as Delta-8 THC, Full-Spectrum CBD Gummies, and now THC-O. Unlike CBD, THC-O has psychedelic effects, with some claiming it is three times as potent as THC-9, the outlawed compound in traditional marijuana.
Currently, the legality of THC-O is the same as Delta-8 and CBD; in most states, it is legal to buy, sell and consume. However, creating THC-O is a bit more complex than Delta-8 as THC-O is not natural. Instead, a highly-flammable compound known as acetic anhydride is added to THC molecules to generate the molecule.
The process involves extracting CBD molecules from the raw hemp plant, then Delta-8 is extracted from the CBD. Finally, the acetic anhydride is added to the Delta-8, thus creating THC-O acetate. This is a process that is done in a laboratory with expert scientists and is not to be attempted at home. The process is inherently dangerous and uses flammable chemicals; even for experts, it can be a risky process to undertake.
Currently, it does not appear to be any more dangerous than consuming marijuana or Delta-8, meaning low risk. However, more long-term testing still needs to be done to confirm precisely what risk consuming THC-O may pose. Therefore, speaking with your physician before using any THC-O products is highly recommended.
As for the experience itself, many dub THC-O as the “spiritual cannabinoid.” The body can absorb far more THC-O at once than conventional THC, meaning it can deliver a more potent experience. Some users report an LSD or mushroom trip-like experience, which is far different from just smoking a normal marijuana joint.
It is advised to take it slow when consuming THC-O products such as edibles, gummies, or syrups, as it can take 20 minutes or more to kick in. Unfortunately, a mistake many people make with THC-O is the same as normal THC edibles; they assume nothing is happening because it takes longer than they expect, and it hits all at once, resulting in an unpleasant experience. Again before consuming any THC-O products it is recommended to speak with a physician.