Smart Tips for Using Nail Polish for Perfectly Beautiful Nails
Want to decorate your fingernails to make them look more neat and beautiful? Not only makes you happy, but Nail art can also make you appear more character with various interesting colors and motifs. Choose a nail polish that displays a feminine, bold, cheerful, gothic impression, and so on. Using nail polish is not easy Because nail polish is easier to mess up and dirty your fingers. Don’t worry, you can also apply nail polish at home by listening to some of these smart tips.
Clean Nails First
Before starting to use nail polish, make sure your nails are neat and clean from dirt or nail polish residue.
Avoid Cutting Cuticles
The cuticle is the layer of skin located at the top of the nail bed. Some people think its presence interferes with the nail art process so it is cut.
Choose a Nail Polish Texture with Good Consistency
Now a variety of nail polish products with good quality and affordable prices have been circulating in the market. Just choose the nail polish texture you like. Most do not like the texture that is too thick because it is difficult to spread on the nails. Product storage factors that are too long often make the nail polish turn a little thick. The fix is quite easy, soak the nail polish bottle in warm water then shake it gently in a sideways direction.
Apply Base Coat
This base coat stage is often skipped because of the long drying process.
Use Petroleum Jelly or Lip Balm
Nail polish usually dries quickly at the edges of the nail and is easier to peel off with petroleum jelly. So before using nail polish, apply petroleum jelly or lip balm on the edge of the nail.
Apply Your Favorite Nail Polish
Apply your favorite nail polish from little finger to thumb. First, just apply one coat of nail polish, and once it dries you can apply a second coat.
Apply Top Coat
Apply a top coat as a finishing after the nails are completely dry. You can use a quick-drying top coat so that the nail polish dries quickly.
Tricks to Maximize the Benefits of Skincare
The face needs to be treated to avoid blackheads, acne, hyperpigmentation, dull skin, and premature aging. The question is, “When should facial treatments start?” The answer is as early as possible, starting from washing your face regularly to using skincare.
Skin problems often occur due to excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun, dust, and air pollution. Even lifestyle also plays a role in causing skin problems such as smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of sleep, rarely exercising, and stress. Therefore, it’s a good idea to take care of your face as early as possible by wearing sunscreen of at least SPF 30 when doing outdoor activities and washing your face twice a day (especially before going to bed).
Treatment from within is also needed for optimal skin health. These include drinking lots of water, consuming healthy foods (especially fruits and vegetables), managing stress, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.
Here’s a trick to using skincare to get maximum results
Consistently Using Skincare
Although it is difficult to consistently use skincare, you have to do it to get maximum results.
Washing Face
Cleansing Your Face Before Using Skincare: Applying produce skincare over closed pores can cause breakouts. So, clean your face first so that the skincare used can absorb perfectly.
Wearing a Mask
Wearing a mask will add benefits to skin health. Your skin will more easily absorb the product when wearing a mask. The benefits of a product will also be maximized because the mask acts as a catalyst.
Balances skin pH
To balance the pH of the skin, you need toner. You can use witch hazel or toner. This can protect the skin from the environment such as pollution and bacteria.
Using Facial Oil
Applying Facial Oil at Night: Not everyone uses facial oil. In fact, essential oils are useful as skin protectors from things that can damage the skin.
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