Two of the most popular and rapidly growing supplements we carry at Nootropics Depot are CBD (cannabidiol) and Nanotechnology. We often receive questions about what the difference is between Nano CBD and regular CBD, and which one might be better for a specific person’s needs. In this article, we will break down the basic differences between these two supplements to help you decide what might be right for you.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many naturally occurring compounds found in Cannabis, commonly referred to as “phytocannabinoids.” The benefits of CBD are widely publicized and people everywhere are learning about its potential health benefits. CBD is extracted from the industrial hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. Compared to cannabis, industrial hemp has a much lower concentration of THC (the cannabinoid known for its psychoactive effects). However, compared to other plants that are considered “hemp”, industrial hemp does have relatively high concentrations of other common cannabinoids including CBD and CBG.
What is Nano CBD?
Nano CBD is a specific form of Cannabidiol that has many benefits, but there are some specific differences. Nano CBD is longer lasting and more stable than regular CBD. In addition, it provides more balanced effects compared to full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD products. There are some other technical detail differences as well about how it is processed and utilized, but these differences generally play a secondary role in the experience.
What are the benefits of CBD?
The benefits of CBD have been well documented in scientific literature and user reports on popular forums. While there are some common themes among people trying CBD for different reasons, one of the most commonly reported effects is a sleep aid. Many people with sleep problems report positive effects from CBD. Another condition that CBD has been used to treat is anxiety, where the reports are generally very positive. People report having better moods and feeling more relaxed after using CBD products.
What are the benefits of Nano CBD?
As with conventional CBD, there are many different effects that people report after using Nano CBD. One common theme is that many users feel very balanced when using Nano CBD, compared to the effects of other products. Users often report feeling relaxed but without having cognitive or motor impairment. There are some reports of reduced inflammation in the body when taking Nano CBD, which can be especially helpful for those with autoimmune conditions. In addition, Nano CBD has been reported to have antioxidant properties.
How do you take CBD?
In general, taking CBD is very easy and user-friendly compared to other supplements that we carry at Nootropics Depot. While there are a few different methods of delivery depending on what kind of product you buy, they typically involve some type of food or drink. For example, most CBD capsules are taken with water or another beverage. On the other hand, if you buy a vape product like CBD e-liquids for vaping, you use it like any other e-liquid product (and therefore typically vape it).
How do you take Nano CBD?
Nano CBD is the same as regular CBD in how it is used. Typically, you take Nano CBD with a food or drink like most other types of supplements. One place where Nano CBD does differ from some other forms of CBD products is that nano-products generally come pre-dissolved and this can make it easier to add into a drink.